Friday, October 14, 2011

Field of Dreams - 2011 League of WWI Aviation Historians Conference - Post 1

It looked like most of the attendees arrived last night for the conference. From the looks of the attendee list there are about 80 people coming to the event.

My flight from Philadelphia was delayed due to fueling problems, but was uneventful from there. The two-hour shuttle bus ride from San Francisco to Monterrey was shared with attendee Joe Holland who came in from New Jersey on a different fight. While driving along looking at the California countryside, we got to talk about our interests and his experience with some of the old-timer WWI aviation researchers in the NYC/New Jersey area.

Monterrey was beautifully sunny, with a slight breeze. I am told it us usually foggy this time of year.

The Thursday night opening reception was from 6 to 8 PM. There were continual greetings and conversations going for the whole two hours. I am going to say there were more wives and significant others in attendance this time than in previous years, but I could be wrong. Dan Polglaze was sharing some war-era books and post-war unit history books with some fascinating photos and stories.

After the reception time was over some people moved on to the hotel's Tapas restaurant for more drinks and food.

As we entered the restaurant it was kind of odd to see three aviation artists Jim Deitz (presenter), Mike O'Neil and Russel Smith conversing while walking one after another. It kind of reminded me of the comical drawing showing pilots of SPA 3, walking like storks in a row.

The conversations in the bar were diverse, weaving in and out of aviation subjects about WWI, WWII and other related and unrelated issues.

Ted Huscher, a presenter in earlier conferences, had some interesting details to share about is recent trip in Italy to visit sights related to WWI aviation and his past and present research relating to ace pilot Josef Kiss.

Fred Murrin spent some time discussing plans for the next Dawn Patrol Rendezvous being planned for Dayton in 2014.

I also had an opportunity to speak with Jim Streckfuss about this year's induction ceremony at the National Aviation Hall of Fame and recent changes with this organization.

I will try to post more updates as the conference continues.

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