Friday, October 14, 2011

Field of Dreams - 2011 League of WWI Aviaiton Historians Conference - Post 6

James Deitz - Anatomy of a WWI Painting

Artist James Deitz took us on a circuitous journey of his logic for the makings of a good paining, as well as a humorous explanation of what inspires him as a painter. At the same time he revealed to us what, in his view, are elements of a bad painting.

Mixed with a bit of comedy, Deitz eventually settled on a work he created for a themed exhibit. To satisfy the need for the painting to include cars (while he wanted airplanes) he ended up with a very wide, horizontal work, which he broke in two. He then proceeded to work through his logic as he made adjustments to the painting until it reached its final state.

He closed his presentation with a humble thanks to WWI aviation researchers past and present, stating that because if their work, elements of WWI history will not be forgotten.

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